Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer's Coming to an End

Sorry guys. I know we haven't been posting much but we've seemed to have used up all our ideas during the first few days after we made it. Plus, not many people have been looking at our blog. Plus, school starts soon soo we might not have time to post that much. WHY MUST SUMMER COME TO AN END??

.............. Kay, just letting you know. Bye!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Post #10

This is our tenth post people! 10 posts in less than 3 days! I think this is a new record! We wrote 6 posts yesterday. WOW. But is that really anything to celebrate?

Because.... only 5 pageviews! Come on! Take a quick peek at our blog. Don't worry, we don't bite. It's perfectly safe. Well, let's just keep it at that. On our first day we had 5 pageviews. And no one bothered to look anymore. All of you are missing out on the fun! I've already posted a very descriptive piece defending Team Gale! It's randomness! Anything could happen. It's like magic!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ah, who doesn't love Harry Potter? And who doesn't love Slytherin? Wait, don't answer that. Slytherin FTW! I am a proud Slytherin as you can tell by the banner on my side of the blog, along with my teams. Though I am sure Hannah would prefer Ravenclaw. Come on people, Slytherins aren't all that bad, look at Snape. He was totally awesome in the last book! But if I haven't convinced you, I'll understand if you're siding with Hannah, as well as all you Peeta fans. *grumble*

Re: Re: Teams!

Hmm... Why team Gale?? Well just because his personality is more my type. Peeta's isn't. Also, I think Gale would be better for Katniss than Peeta would. Gale has the survival skills to survive in the arena, in contrast with Peeta. Gale was Katniss' best friend before Peeta confessed his love to her. And even though they never had an official relationship, Katniss kept feeling guilty when she had to act in love with Peeta to survive. And yes, Katniss admitted after that she was just acting on Haymitch's orders. Gale and Katniss' friendship after she and Peeta became victors wasn't the same. Katniss had no choice but to pick Peeta, since everyone in Panem thought Gale was her cousin, and the only way to avoid trouble with the Capitol was to make sure she acted madly in love with Peeta, and eventually marry him. I felt like Gale and Katniss never got the chance, and everything just went by too fast in order to sort things out. I like Peeta, don't mistake me, but I am siding with Gale. TEAM GALE!!

Soo... Hannah. Why are you Team Peeta??

Re: Teams

Haha very funny Christina were still friends, but why do you like Gale argh.


You may have noticed some awesome team banners on both the left and the right. To the right are Hannah's teams, and to the left are my teams. TEAM GALE! Grrr... Hannah's a traitor for picking Team Peeta, but oh well. We're still friends. I think.... (dun dun dun).

P.S. We found these banners at


Kay readers, we've added a new feature! A list of our other blogs that you might enjoy. Starting off with Hannah, she has a book blog called "Read Review Rave", and "Girl+Geek=GirlGeek" which is a blog with tips on a variety of subjects. If you ever need some advice, Hannah is the one to go to.

Last but not least, is a book blog by ME! It's called "book nook" (yeah, not the most creative name, I know) and is absolutely amazing if I do say so myself. That's it for this post so see ya next time, on "Random Thoughts with C and H"!